Titanic Classification Binary

The dataset contains the following columns:

  • PassengerId: an identification number for each passenger. Data type is irrelevant as this column has no prediction capability.
  • Name: The passenger’s name. Data type is irrelevant as this column has no prediction capability.
  • SibSp: The number of siblings or spouses traveling with the passenger on board. Data type is categorical.
  • Parch: Number of parents or children aboard traveling with the passenger. Data type is categorical.
  • Fare: Amount paid for the ticket. Data type is decimal as fare means and amount.
  • Cabin: The passenger’s assigned cabin number. Data type is irrelevant as this column has no prediction capability.
  • Pclass: Travel class (can be 0, 1, 2, or 3). Data type is categorical.
  • Embarked: Departure port. Data type is categorical.
  • Age: Passenger Age. The data type is decimal, just as the fare relates to a quantity.
  • Sex: male or female. Data type is categorical.
  • Ticket: Ticket number. Data type is irrelevant as this column has no prediction capability.
  • Survived: Whether or not passenger survived. Data type is categorical. TARGET
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