Can Generative AI make a New Productivity Revolution in Marketing?

Thirty years ago, the introduction of word processors and spreadsheets promised a productivity revolution. The economic world anticipated a significant reduction in time spent on writing, drawing slides, and performing calculations. Fast forward to today, and while technology has advanced, our workloads have only increased. The reality is longer documents, extensive PowerPoint presentations, and more complex decision-making due to the explosion of data we must process.

Today, generative AI is becoming integral to our organizations, promising another productivity revolution. The challenge lies in how we can effectively harness this opportunity. Marketing is one of the most impacted functions, with potential productivity gains of up to 50 percent.

The Evolution of Marketing: From Creative to Analytical

Traditionally, marketing has been a creative, right-brain function, specialized in understanding consumer needs and creating perfect messages. Over the past 15 years, digital marketing and analytics have introduced specialized skill sets like digital marketing and marketing technology. However, generative AI is transforming the core activities of marketing.

A study by the Boston Consulting Group and Harvard revealed that ChatGPT already enhances marketers’ right-brain performance by 40 percent. Imagine the possibilities a year or two from now. Marketers could potentially gain a day and a half of free time each week, but will this lead to more leisure or a shift in job dynamics?

Developing a Left-AI Brain

Without active steering, marketers will channel this free time into creating more content and ideas. While this can lead to more personalized content for consumers, it also risks overwhelming them with content overload. Generative AI’s reliance on existing data reduces diversity, leading to a dull homogenized marketing content.

To navigate this productivity revolution, marketing and other functions must grow a “left-AI brain.” This means reskilling and reorganizing to incorporate predictive AI tools in decision-making processes. For marketing, this involves building teams of marketing data scientists and engineers or to learn how to use solutions like NextBrain AI that help marketers understand performance, predict outcomes, and gain deeper insights.

Avoiding the Trap of Current Data and Content

Many companies train their algorithms on existing data, risking entrapment in their current territories. Brands must think outside their ecosystem to find relevant data and content partners. For example, a construction company targeting architects could collaborate with financial institutions or insurance companies to gather necessary data. But with the AI tools you don’t have to do that. For example,  NextBrain AI has data enrichment features when it finds the necessary data by itself. 

Preserving Creativity and Innovation

Over-reliance on generative AI can stifle innovation. Companies must identify and protect their top creative talent, reskilling them to use AI for inspiration and rapid prototyping while ensuring they continue to generate original ideas. This balance will maintain brand identity and market differentiation.

To increase productivity and find the most effective marketing strategies for your business, consider using NextBrain AI-based analytics platform. Schedule a demo today using your own data to see its capabilities firsthand.

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